Information Sharing Webinars for Year Groups
Dear Families,
You will have received a letter via text and email from the school inviting you to attend an online parents information webinar to communicate updates from Year Heads, important dates, plans for the coming months and supports available for the remainder of the school year.
The letter sent includes the link to the online zoom meeting for your son/daughters year group. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend with their son/daughter.
Times and dates of online webinars:
1st Year |
2nd Year |
3rd Year |
5th Year |
6th Year |
Wednesday 22nd January at 6:00 |
Monday 27th January at 6:15 |
Tuesday 21st January at 5:45
Monday 27th January at 5:30 |
Tuesday 21st January at 6:30 |
We hope you can join us for these online webinars. If you have any questions please contact the school office.